ACW Monthly Meeting 5/15/24

Recent ACW Events:
ACW Spring Show, ‘Tell Me a Story’
Exhibit Committee to provide an update and get exhibit feedback.
Exhibit Fund Raiser: The ACW collected $736 for the scholarship for a WHS Senior art student entering art school this fall. We rounded it up to $750 with the difference coming from the exhibit registration fees.
A big thank you to our local collaborators with The Room to Write and Colleen Getty for their enthusiastic and valued partnership in our April exhibit!
Addison Gallery ACW Field Trip and Tour:
4 members attended a tour at the Addison that was given by ACW member, Jamie Gibbons, Head of Education at the Addison. It was a great tour and a very interesting exhibit which Jamie helped us to better understand!
Current ACW:
Art in the ACE:
There is a small exhibit of art currently in the ACE building that will be up for 2 months or so.
Much of the art was loaned by artists from the ACW exhibit in April with the balance being pieces from prior ACW exhibits.
Upcoming ACW Events:
Next ACW Exhibit – October 2024
Finalize details around theme for the fall ACW exhibit..... ‘Elements’.
Organize exhibit committee.
Visual Arts Venues & Opportunities Shared List
The ACW is piloting a new resource for members.....The idea is for members to update a shared list with info on events and locations for artists to exhibit and/or sell their artwork. Please take a few moments to add your contributions to this useful and helpful ACW resource.
‘Drop In and Art’ Monthly meetings –- 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of the month
See further below for details
Mailing List and Newsletter: Updates from Andy
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy:
Provide photos to Andy to post on the ACW Instagram account; send to:
ACW Kitty:
Marsy Summer - Name Badge Supplies: 26.99
Joy Schilling - 2 small tablecloths: 19.10
Kathy Frey – Wire Grid Hangers (25): 29.25
Balance from Registration Fees: 9.00
Starting Balance: $700.65
Income: $9.00
Expenses: < $75.34>
Ending Balance: $634.31
ACW Summer Break
Agree on what months to take a break for the summer
After Meeting Discussion Forum
Anyone want to lead a discussion at an upcoming meeting?
Other Topics?
‘Round the Room’ – Art Events and Happenings updates
Congratulations to the ACW for celebrating its 13th year!
Related Info
‘Drop In and Art’ Sessions at the ACE presented by the ACW
Come join ACW members and friends for some art time in the company of local artists. The sessions are held monthly on the 2nd Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the month. Bring your own art supplies and hang out with other artists to chat, get inspired, help with a bit of creative block, or whatever! More details are below.....
· Adult artists are welcome to drop in for as little or as much of the session as they like.
· Media suggestions include, but are not limited to: drawing, stitching, knitting, sketch book/journaling, collage, dry felting, jewelry making, carving wood or linoleum, watercolor or acrylic painting.
· 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of the month:
o Tuesdays: 10am – Noon
o Wednesdays: 7pm- 9pm
ACW - After Meeting Discussion Forum:
February: Instagram – what it is, how to use it, etc....with Jamie and Joanne
April: Social Media for Artists with David Kay and Joanne Jolly Kay
September: Photographing Your Artwork and How to Upload discussion with Joy
Future Topics:
Sketch booking and Journaling practices discussion with Liz Noble
Website Building discussion with Andy
Examples of possible future topics:
How to get out of an artist block
What inspires you as an artist?
Plan an upcoming Field Trip – events & locations
Call for Art
Call for Art for the Downtown Reading Art Walk that runs from Sept 8th – Oct 7th
Submissions open up 6/15
For details, see
ACW Calendar:
February: 9 ACW members exhibited at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe Library for the month.
February: Art Supply Swap
April: ACW Spring Show. Theme was Tell Me a Story; location: ACE building
October: ACW Fall Show. Theme is TBD; location; ACE building
December: ACW Winter Artisan Sale on the 1st weekend of December; location: ACE building
February: ACW had 7 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery in the Beebe Library for the month.
March 26: ACW Artisans Sale as part of the Reading Symphony Orchestra Concert – ACW Members Sale
June: “From the Ground Up” Art Show: Opening reception and then Thursdays & Fridays in June
June: ACW exhibit at the Beebe Estate in Melrose: Opening reception and then Saturdays in June
October: Fall Show - Theme is Creatures & Critters
December: Annual Winter Artisan Sale on the 1st weekend in December
February: ACW had 8 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe Library for the month
March: Many ACW members participated in the Arts & Edibles art show at the ACE building. Members were exhibiting artists and event hosts
Summer/Fall: the ACW was a guest vendor once a month at the Wakefield Farmers Market on North Ave.
October: ACW hosted the Creatures and Critter Art Show for the month of October.
November: ACW had 7 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery in the Beebe library for the month.
December: Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration with a dozen ACW artists.
Annual Winter Artisan Sale: 1st weekend in December. Over 20 local ACW and other artisans participated in the annual ACW Winter Sale.