ACW Meeting 9/21/22
To all Arts Collaborative of Wakefield members and friends,
The next Arts Collaborative of Wakefield (ACW) meeting is September 21 Wednesday night at 7pm at the Albion Cultural Exchange building at 9 Albion Street, Wakefield. Please come join us to say hello, see old friends, meet new friends, and talk about 2022 ACW and other local art events and activities.
Meeting Agenda:
Upcoming ACW events
Summer/Fall - Farmers Market: ACW is a once a month vendor – 2nd Saturday of July – October
Elizabeth is event coordinator – See Elizabeth to sign up and for details
October: Creatures and Critters Art Show
Update from Subcommittee Everything you need to know about Creatures & Critters
All members and friends: start working on artwork that ties to the theme of critters and a very open theme that covers a wide range of content options
New ACW Activity:
December: Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration, and artists can sell works/advertise. The library also has display case tables for anyone that would like to display something like pottery or jewelry.
Holiday Winter Sale: 1st weekend in December – Friday, 12/2, and Saturday, 12/3. Final times are TBD. Start planning discussions at a future meeting
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send photos of you work to
Jamie is always happy to receive artwork to post on the ACW Instagram account; pls send to her at:
ACW Kitty: $487
Any outstanding reimbursements?
Future Item:
Message Board – Andy is looking for proof of concept participants to shape this
Other Topics?
Round the Room News to Share – who’s exhibiting where? Upcoming art events? Etc...
ACW Calendar:
February: ACW had 8 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month
March: Many ACW members participated in the Arts & Edibles art show at the ACE building. Members were exhibiting artists and event hosts
Summer/Fall: the ACW will be a guest vendor once a month at the Wakefield Farmers Market on North Ave. Elizabeth is coordinating
October: ACW will be hosting the Creatures and Critter Art Show for the month of October.
November: ACW member exhibit at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month. It’s a small space – room for 12 to 16 small to medium sized works.
December: Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration, and artists can sell works/advertise. The library also has display case tables for anyone that would like to display something like pottery or jewelry.
Holiday/Winter Sale: 1st weekend in December