ACW Meeting 1/15 at 7pm

Monthly meeting:
Our next ACW monthly meeting is this Wednesday,
at the ACE building. Please come join us!
Request for Art Donations for the Small Works Fundraisers
Requesting art donations for the ongoing ACW Small Works Fundraisers held during any of the ACW exhibits and sales
Typical Exhibit and Sale fundraiser recipients are The Wakefield Food Pantry, PAWS of Wakefield, and a graduating Wakefield High School Art student
All donations must be 5 x7 inches and cannot be framed or matted
Two Calls for Art
The Blake gallery, Beebe Library, in Feb and the other for the annual spring exhibit and sale in April.
Small Works Workshop – February 12, 7pm – Paper Collage Landscapes
Join us for a workshop on creating small works landscapes using paper collage. The workshop will be led by ACW member, Judy Hartman.
Artist Supply swap at the February monthly meeting