ACW February 21 Meeting 7:00 pm Albion Cultural Exchange

Current ACW events:
February 2024:
ACW member exhibit at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month. 9 members are exhibiting.
Art pick up at the library on Thursday, 2/29. If you can not get your work, please contact Kathy Frey (617-791-2716)
ACW member art supply sale/exchange will happen immediately after the February ACW meeting at the ACE building
Details are:
Bring any art supplies that you would like to offer for free, or swap, or sell.
You must take home any of your items that are not taken or sold.
Upcoming ACW events:
April 2024:
ACW Spring Show. Theme is ‘Tell Me a Story’
Exhibit Committee to provide an update.
See below for Call to Artists.
Visual Arts Venues & Opportunities Shared List
The ACW is piloting a new resource for members.....The idea is for members to update a shared list with info on events and locations for artists to exhibit and/or sell their artwork.
See further below for the link and a sample of the shared list.
Room to Write invite to ACW members:
Each quarter The Room to Write group holds a meet and greet and we usually tap a local artist/illustrator for a piece of their work to include in our fliers. This is our humble way of not only making our fliers look interesting, but also an opportunity to promote a local artist. Beneath the piece we always include their name and on online entries we include a link to their work or website, social, whatever they'd prefer as their main link. They are looking for Arts Collaborative members who would like to be included in future Meet & Greet materials. If so, send a note to Colleen Getty:
‘Drop In and Art’ Monthly meetings –- 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of the month
See further below for details
Mailing List and Newsletter: Updates from co-chairs, Andy and Emily
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy:
Provide photos to Andy to post on the ACW Instagram account; send to:
ACW Kitty:
Starting Balance: $700.65
Recent Activity: $ 00.00
Ending Balance: $700.65
After Meeting Discussion Forum
Anyone want to lead a discussion at an upcoming meeting?
Other Topics?
‘Round the Room’ – Art Events and Happenings updates
Congratulations to the ACW for celebrating its 13th year!
Call for Art:
The ACW presents “Tell Me a Story” Art Exhibit and Sale coming to the Albion Cultural Exchange
Month of April 2024
Open to ACW members and friends, and local artists
The Tell Me a Story theme is purposely open-ended allowing the artistic freedom to express unique perspectives, emotions, and experiences in a visual medium.
New! A Special Exhibit: ACW collaboration with the Room To Write.....The Arts Collaborative has a new collaborative exhibit opportunity with the members of the Room to Write. ACW member artists submit one of any of the up to four pieces that they register for the April show. The Room to Write members will pick a work of art and create a short-written work or poem about it. The written piece is not an interpretation of the artist’s work, but rather is the inspiration for the author’s written work. The artist’s deadline to submit is March 1st. As this is the first-time the ACW and the Room to Write are doing such an event, we mutually agreed to limit the total number of pieces for this special exhibit to a dozen.
Refer to the ACW website for more details, including exact dates, registration information, the special exhibit submission, and artist pop up sale opportunities.
Start working on your interpretations of Tell Me a Story!
‘Drop In and Art’ Sessions at the ACE presented by the ACW
Come join ACW members and friends for some art time in the company of local artists. The sessions are held monthly on the 2nd Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the month. Bring your own art supplies and hang out with other artists to chat, get inspired, help with a bit of creative block, or whatever! More details are below.....
· Adult artists are welcome to drop in for as little or as much of the session as they like.
· Media suggestions include, but are not limited to: drawing, stitching, knitting, sketch book/journaling, collage, dry felting, jewelry making, carving wood or linoleum, watercolor or acrylic painting.
· 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of the month:
o Tuesdays: 10am – Noon
o Wednesdays: 7pm- 9pm
Visual Arts Venues & Opportunities
The ACW is piloting a new resource for members.....The idea is for members to update a shared list with info on events and locations for artists to exhibit and/or sell their artwork.
Please think about the different venues and opportunities that you’ve used and open up the link and update it with a few brief details. Other artists can then refer to the list to find new opportunities for them to pursue.