Fright Night 2016

The Annual Fright Night Halloween Festival is upon us! Join us for the WHS Art pumpkin carving display downtown at the Beebe Library on October 27 and then head down to the Galvin Auditorium for the WHS TV movies. The PUMPKIN DISPLAY is from 6:00 - 8:00 PM! The pumpkins will be lit at around 5:00 pm but are best seen when it starts to get dark. Stop by to see the amazing carving work of the WHS Art students! The WHS TV movies are at 4:30 and 7 pm at the Galvin MIddle School Auditorium! $5 admission! Share this post with your friends and family! Help support WHS ART! **Pumpkins will be available for the public to take at the end of the evening. Students have between 8:00 and 8:30 PM to claim their pumpkins. At 8:30 PM the public can take pumpkins that are not claimed by students!