An Artist Directory for the Wakefield Visual Art Community
Sally Bowman Gordon
My artistic interest and abilities came from my parents. My dad, a sculptor and art professor, encouraged me to “Draw your own lines, Sally.” My mother was a creative sewer and needlepoint artist. So, my experiences began very young!
My art has also evolved over time, and still is, which is an exciting process. I began making my own paper in 2005 making sculpted paper images for my co-workers. They were a hit! I have been honing them ever since. My dad is still present with me as his works were mostly religious, I too am drawn to creating pieces that reflect Torah/Old Testament stories. Currently, I am creating a series entitled, “Mitzvah Mice” that focus on Jewish Values and/or “doing good”.
I have lived in Melrose since 1995 with my husband, Bill and my son, Jacob. I am a teacher at FYACS (Follow Your Art Community Studios), Melrose and at Temple Tiferet Shalom in Peabody, where teach 2nd & 7th grades. I am a member of MOST (Melrose Open Studio Tour) and on the Boards of Coffee Shop Artists, and The Beebe Estate Gallery, Melrose.
Mixed Media Collage, Sculpted Acrylic Paintings