ACW Meeting Wednesday November 16 7pm Albion Cultural Exchange
Recent / Upcoming ACW events
October: Creatures and Critters Art Show
It was a wonderful show.
Any thoughts or last comments from Subcommittee?
November: Wakefield Beebe Library – Blake Gallery exhibit space - a one month duration.
Kathy / Andrea are coordinating
Art pick up time: 11/30 at 5pm – 6pm
if you can’t make the pick up time, let Kathy or Andrea know
Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration. Artists can price works. The library also has display case tables for anyone that would like to display something like pottery or jewelry.
Jayne Leland / Kathy / Andrea are coordinating
Drop off Time/Date: 5:30pm to 6:30 pm on Thursday, 12/1/22
Drop off location: Stoneham Library
431 Main St, Stoneham - (781) 438-1324
A few of us will be there to collect the art and we will then set up after 6:30
Pick Up Time / Date: Given the New Year’s holiday, likely not picking up on 12/31, so what date/time on 12/29 or 12/30 works better for most
Confirm member interest / participation
Holiday Winter Sale: 1st weekend in December – Friday, 12/2, and Saturday, 12/3. FYI that Wakefield will be reviving the Holiday Stroll event on Saturday 12/3.
Dates / Times
Friday 12/2, 5pm to 8pm Set up: 3pm
Saturday, 12/1, from 1pm to 6pm Set up: 11am
On Saturday, there will be a Holiday Stroll music recital with Caroline Lleiber at 4:30 in the ACE gallery during the Sale
Confirm participation - At this point all slots are filled.
Discuss promotion
Holiday celebration for December meeting – probably little to no formal meeting in Dec, but let’s be sure to stop and celebrate the holiday season!
Spring 2023 event: Discuss doing one show in spring 2023. Talk about theme to use. Identify sub-committee. Start planning in January
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy
Jamie is always happy to receive artwork to post on the ACW Instagram account; pls send to her at:
ACW Kitty:
October show expense receipts:
AnnMarie Gallivan: 125.00 for balance of Curious Creatures 375$ invoice (bank donation to cover 250.00)
Andrea Willey: 42.00 for miscellaneous show expenses
Starting balance 732.00
October show expenses: 167.00
New Ending balance: 565.00
Any new or outstanding reimbursements?
Other Topics?
Round the Room News to Share – who’s exhibiting where? Upcoming art events? Etc...