Margaret Redfern
I am a retired school teacher of 37 years in the classroom and into my19th year of retirement and I have an MA from Boston College. At present I have three books, two of which are in the process of being published and the third will follow soon after. I have written and produced a Melrose Cable TV program with four segments which is still being aired. My most recent involvement in the Arts is my "Photo/Verse accomplishment which is very dear to my heart.
Lake Quannapowitt has been absorbed into my very soul and my verses simply flow from that source. The photos accompany them and are matched by the verse. My first verse was seen by the Executive Director of the Wakefield Chamber of Commerce who has praised it beyond words. In attending the Lynnfield Arts Guild Fair, the president of that Guild viewed my works and she mentioned showing it to the Yacht Club by the Lake. Her words were, "You and the Yacht Club own the Lake!" To my ears, that was a hugh compliment. The Chamber has plans to write to the Library for a possible presentation to have my large framed four pieces of PhotoVerse accepted by them.
I have completed four verses/photos and have recently completed a fifth with winter scenes of the Lake.